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Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy

Council is committed to enhance international cooperation for global promotion of evidence-based Homoeopathy through more international interactions, exchange of MoUs and organising international conferences.

Status of MOUs signed by the Council with Foreign Institutions

as on 5th October 2018



S.no Name of the foreign University/ Institution with which MOU has been exchanged   Brief title/subject of the project Date signing of MOU
1. Cuba Country to Country MoU

Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) have been signed between India and Cuba in the fields of biotechnology, traditional medicine and homoeopathy. Hon’ble President of India Sh. Ram Nath Kovind and his Cuban counterpart Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel at  Havana, Cuba exchanged the MoU.

June 22, 2018
2. Australia National Institute of Integrative Medicine (NIIM)

MoU has been signed for

cooperation in the field of research in homeopathy.
10th May 2018
3. Israel

Centre for Integrative Complementary Medicine,

ShaareZedek Medical Center, Jerusalem

a)            Participation in joint   research   projects:  International   projects;   meta-analysis, randomized, pragmatic multi centric and basic research studies, in areas of mutual interest;

b)            Exchange of research materials, publications, educational literature, teaching aids, information, documentation and scientific publications;

c)            Joint organization of conferences, seminars, educational opportunities, workshops and symposia;

d)            Exchanging experts for training of practitioners, scientists, teaching professionals and students;

e)            Cooperating with interested scientists, practitioners and students  in institutions  for research, educational and training programmes;

15th January 2018
4. Brazil  Federal University of Rio 

De Janerio (FURJ)

Basic research projects that will be developed in partnership between Universities and Research Centers belonging to both countries (Brazil and India); Exchanging of students and researchers of Brazil and India; Exchange of technical and scientific knowledge between Brazilian and Indian Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia; Clinical research with biotherapics (nosodes) and homeopathic medicines; - Development of specific projects that characterizing priority subjects for both countries, such as dengue; Chikungunya; Zika; malaria; HIV; hepatitis;

14th July 2017



Scientific Society for Homoeopathy (WissHom),

To encourage and promote co-operation in joint research projects, Exchange of information, documentation and scientific publications, Joint organization of conferences, seminars, workshops and symposia, Exchanging experts for training of practitioners, scientists, teaching      professionals and students

 15th June 2017
    Institute for the history of medicine,
 Robert Bosch foundation

Development of   Museum on AYUSH system in India, archives on   Homoeopathy in India, on similar lines as of Institute for History of Medicine, Stuttgart, Germany, Exchange of information, documentation and scientific publications;

Joint organization of conferences, seminars etc., Fellowship programme for research scientists of CCRH
15th June 2017
6. USA Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States

Triparty MOU of CCRH with HPUS & PCIM &H. Revision & harmonisation of pharmacopeias  of drug proving, drug validation, standardization, regulation of homoeopathic drugs, exchange of drug monographs

23rd Feb 2017

Centre for Research in Indian Systems of Medicines (CRISM), University of Mississippi, USA

National Centre for Natural Products Research

The MOU is signed by the Ministry of AYUSH on behalf of CCRUM, CCRAS, CCRS, CCRH, CCRYN. To facilitate advocacy & dissemination of information on AYUSH systems in US and other countries, scientific validation of AYUSH system through co-operative and collaborative efforts, provide platform for facilitating interface with bodies like US FDA, HHS, NIH, NCCIH.

Mandate is to promote exchange between researchers, assist the India side in seeking market access to product, practice and practitioners. Provide relevant scientific and technical information to Indian site. 
12th Oct 2015
7. Argentina Universidad Maimonides Encourage & promote co-operation in joint research projects, exchange of documentation & scientific publication, organization of conferences, workshop etc., exchange of experts for training programmes, co-operation in education activity, courses, seminars etc. 26th Aug 2016
8. Armenia

Yerevan State Medical University,

Government of Armenia
Establishment of an “Academic Chair” in Homoeopathy in institute to undertake academic & research activities, design academic standard, improvement in curriculum development, provide academic leadership to the institute, explore feasibility of collaborative research, conduct workshops, seminars & advocatesafe use of Homoeopathy in Armenia  09th April 2016
9. Canada College of Homeopaths of Ontario (CHO) Co-operation in the field of Research & Education in Homoeopathic Medicine 09th April 2016
10. UK Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine

To strength and develop the co-operation in the field of Research and Education in Homoeopathic Medicine.

· Joint Research may include: randomized, double-blind control trial in AOM.

· Systemic review & meta-analysis of HPT

Prospective, observational study to validate prescribing indications for commonly used Homoeopathic medicines. 

11. Mexico

Instituto Politecnico Nacional  through the

Escuela Nacional De Medicina Y Homeopatia
Setting up of an Academic Chair in Homoeopathy in the National School of Medicine and Homoeopathy of the IPN, joint research projects, organization of studies, seminars, conferences, courses, exchange of information, documentation and scientific publication 17th October 2012
12. International conferences

World Homoeopathy Day,

World Integrated Medicine Forum etc.

Council aims to organise international conferences periodically, in order to assure a wider reach of its research outcomes, as well as to network with the world’s who’s who in Homoeopathy. World Homoeopathy Day Convention of 2016 was planned on international level, in which around 200 out of 1500 delegates were foreigners. Similarly, the first World Integrated Medicine Forum (WIMF) on the regulation of homeopathic medicinal products: National and Global Strategies, organised by Council on 23-24 February 2017, attracted 50 (out of 150) overseas delegates.

WIMF was an exceptionally successful event, where the drug regulators and industrialists from the homeopathy drug sector could directly interact with each other and with WHO representatives, and contemplate on the ways of harmonisation of pharmacopeias and overcoming hurdles in export/import/manufacture of homoeopathic medicines in various countries. Regulation and quality assurance of drugs was also adequately discussed.

13. Exchange of experts/Foreign resource persons/Delegations CCRH has been host to several guests and delegations in the year 2017-18 for international exchange or as resource persons for workshops.

·   Exchange of experts through delegations and/or participation of Council’s scientists in various international seminars.

Visit of foreign resource persons for research orientation of Council’s scientists









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