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1.    The CCRH Library follows an open access system.

2.    Books removed from the shelves should be left on the study table and no effort should be made to replace these books. Please remember that a book misplaced is a book lost.

3.    While entering the library, readers should leave their personal belongings, such as bags, brief-cases, personal books, and parcels near the counter reserved for this purpose. However, they carry loose papers and note books.

4.    Issued books are not allowed inside the library.

5.    Readers leaving the library should allow the library/security staff to examine their personal belongings.

6.    Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library material in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he will be charged the full replacement cost of the material.

7.    Help in maintaining a peaceful atmosphere for study. Conversation disturbs your neighbours who want to study. If discussion is necessary, please go to the common/class rooms.

8.    Please switch off your mobile or keep it in silent/Vibration Mode.

9.    Silence shall be strictly observed in the library.

10. Spitting, smoking, napping, drinking tea and edibles and behaviour which may disturb other Users are strictly prohibited inside the library.

  Library Timings

Working Hours
The library shall be kept open on all working days from 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM.
Working Days
The library shall remain closed on all public and national holidays, Saturdays, Sundays and any other holidays declared by the central/state government from time to time.

Circulation Hours 

1. The Circulation/counter transactions, i.e., issue and return of documents shall be between 10:00 AM and 5.45 PM on all Working Days.

2. Changes, if any, in the above timings shall be notified from time to time.

Admission to the library

1. Members of the CCRH 

2. Persons engaged in the study and research of Homeopathy may with the approval of the Librarian.

Loan Privilege

1. Books will be issued to the members only. These will not be issued to the nominees of the members.

2. Books are issued for a period of fifteen days

3. Reference books, rare and out-of-print books and periodicals shall not ordinarily be issued. These can be consulted within the Library only

Loss Of Books

Loss of book (s) should be immediately reported to the Librarian. The member shall either replace the Book (s) or pay an amount indicated below:

1. Cost of the book plus 25% processing charge if it is in print.

2. Cost of the latest edition of the book plus 25% processing charge if the edition which was borrowed is no more in print.

3. In respect of foreign publications, current conversion rate will be taken into account while computing the cost in terms of Indian Rupee.

4. In respect of un-priced and out-of-print books, the cost will be decided by the Librarian with the approval of the   Director.

Loss of Documents

a) For loss of document(s) by a member, he/she must:

i) Replace the latest library edition (hard bound) copy of the same document(s), if available, or

ii) Pay the latest catalogued price of the library edition (hard bound) copy of the same document(s) plus 10 per cent of the price as service/technical processing charges in case document(s) is (are) not available in the market, or

iii) if document[s) is (are) out of print, pay up to 3 times the latest known price of the document(s).

b) In case of loss of some issue of a periodical, it has to be replaced or cost of the entire volume must be paid, In case of loss of a single part of a multi-volume publication, the issue has to be replaced or cost of the entire set has to be recovered from the borrower.

c) The library will suspend all its services to the defaulters till the recovery is made and the recovery note duly certified is received back from his/her office by the Library In-charge.


Members can avail photocopying facility from the library books, journals etc.


Members are required to handle books, periodicals in the Library carefully. In case there is any loss due to the negligence of a member, he/she be liable to pay the replacement cost.


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Website last updated on: 10/01/2025
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Content Provided by Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy